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The regional cavalier clubs also hold their own puppy registers.
Below are the contact details of the people who run the registers.
Currently, there is a very high demand for puppies, the registers may not have currently puppies listed.
UK Wide - Mrs V Hull - 01268 727248
Scotland - Mrs G Baillie - 01620 880218
Northern - Ms S Smith - 01535 636858
Midland - Miss J Price - 01217 486808
Humberside - Mrs C Knight - 01636 626618
Humberside - Mr D Crossley - 01723 864285
Eastern - Mr S Mynott - 01223 872795
Wales - Mrs S Dupe - 01633 256475
West of England - Miss C Butler - 01684 276632
Southern - Mrs P Stark - 01428 751339
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